Qirfiraz Ahmed Siddiqui
P.O.Box 2482 , Castro Valley, CA 94546, California, United States
Phone: (510) 303 9869
Email: qirfiraz@gmail.com
Programming Skills: Java (Dalvik) Android OS, J2ME, , MFC, Visual C++, C#, Apples iOS, Blackberry OS, Windows (Phone & Tablet), Symbian C++, C#, CGI (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Perl), Unix shell script., VBA, mySQL, SystemC, Verilog, C for Embedded Systems, Arduino programming..
B.S Electronics Engineering N.E.D University Karachi, Pakistan, 1978
Post Graduate Research Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1993-1997
Verification Tools & Techniques, Portnov Computer School, Mountain View, CA , U.S.A,2001
Cisco Certified Network Associate, Las Positas College, Livermore, CA, U.S.A, 2004
Recent Projects (1997 – 2023)
- USPTO issued Patents:
- 1 ) Near field communication (NFC) Educational device (2012-2014)
- https://patents.google.com/patent/US20140113552A1/en
- 2) Proximity-enabled digital gesture tracking (2014-2017)
- https://patents.google.com/patent/US9674663B2/en
- 3) Smart surface for detecting collision forces (2017-2020)
- https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=US241246707&tab=NATIONALBIBLIO
- https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020123493
- Mobile App Developer, CellSoul,, (2006 – 2013) : Developed Award-winning apps for Orange (France-Telcom) Nokia, uLocate, Navteq, Microsoft Window Phone, Samsung Android OS, Blackberry’s legacy and Native BB10 OS, and filed two patent applications at USPTO for Educational use of NFC (Near Field Communication)
- 2011-2012 , Consulting Embedded Linux Engineer at an Android project developing Board Support Package (BSP) for Craneboard AM3517 ARM Cortex A-8 based smartwatch device. Extensively worked with X-Load & U-Boot configuring Pin Multiplexing & troubleshooting. Developed LCD driver & and embedded in UBoot.
- 2003-2005 Designed a location based service for Wireless Communication Systems, and developed prototype in J2ME, WML, Perl, SQL. Also handled patent applications world-wide.
- 1999-2001 Virage Inc. San Mateo, CA : Vicore Installer, of a streaming media server package using Unix utilities mkpkg & pkgAdd
- 2003 Forte Design Syestms, San Jose, CA : Verification Engineer, C, SystemC, Verilog
- 2004 Veritable Inc. Sunnyvale, CA : C, C++ development for Verilog to SystemC translator
- 1997- 2002 People Solutions Inc, Pleasant Hill, CA :Designed & developed following software using MFC/VC++ for Windows platform, For use of Corporate clients Safeway, Bank of America, Allstate, Sprint, CSAA, etc.
- ServiceFirst, Job Performance Indicator (JPI), Cashier Checker Test Battery,
Previous Achievements (1978 – 1997)
Database designing and implementation, Data Processing, Statistical Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Technical writing and Technical Training.
For Organizations: BELLS Electronics, Johannesburg, Engineering Consultants, Karachi Mass Transit Study, Pakistan, Dar Alhandasah Consultants, Municipality of Amman, Kingdom of Jordan, Sana’a University, & Highways Master Plan Project, Yemen Arab Republic
Computer Hardware/Electronics Engineer:
Installed and maintained computer labs, PC Integration, installed nuclear laboratory and analytical chemistry equipment.
For Organizations: Advanced Computer & Technology, Los Angeles, CA, BELLS Electronics, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, Sana’a University , Yemen Arab Republic.
Human Languages: Urdu-Hindi, English, Arabic, French